Februari 23, 2011

How to Play Ping Pong/Table Tennis

This article presents the basic rules of ping-pong along with tips for how to win.

1. Find someone to play with.
You probably want to begin by playing someone who is at about your skill level or a little better, and preferably someone who isn't aggressively competitive. This way, you can have fun learning how to play. You can play one-on-one, or you can play with two teams of two, which is known as doubles.

2. Decide who serves first.
According to the official International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) rules, the right to choose whether to serve first is determined "by lot" (i.e. flipping a coin or drawing straws, etc.), with the winner choosing either whether to serve first or which side he or she wants. If the winner chooses whether to serve or to receive, the opposing player or team gets to choose which side of the table they will play on, and vice versa.

3. Serve the ball.
The ball should be tossed out of your free hand vertically a minimum of 16cm, and then hit with the paddle so that it first hits your side of the table once and then goes over the net and hits your opponent's side. If playing singles, the server can serve to any point on the opponent's side of the table, and the opponent should then return it. If playing doubles, the serve is rotated between you and your partner, starting with the person on the right, and the ball must bounce first in the right half of your side of the table and then must be delivered cross-court to your opponent's side. After two points have been awarded, your opponent or, in doubles, the person on the opposing team who is cross-court from the server, then gets to serve. After two more points are awarded, the original server's or, in doubles, his partner, then serves. In other words, the serve switches sides every two points. If the ball hits the net on an otherwise a legal serve, the serve is a "let," and the serve is repeated with no points scored. After 2 consecutive lets the player opposite of the server receives the point. On game point the person that is losing shall be the server.
4. Return the ball.
After a serve or return, the ball may be returned over or around the net to any point on the opponent's side of the table. The ball must be returned after it bounces once on your side, but before it bounces twice or hits the floor or any object off the table. If the ball hits the net on a return, but proceeds to go over the net and hit your opponent's side, the ball is still in play, and your opponent must return it.
5. Score points.
A point is awarded for each rally that is not a let, and either opponent can score a point regardless of who served.

    * If your serve goes into the net, goes off the table without hitting the opponent's side, or (in doubles) hits the wrong half of the opponent's side, the receiving opponent or team scores a point.
    * If you do not make a legal return (as described above: i.e. the ball goes into the net or doesn't hit your opponent's side of the table) a point is awarded to your opponent.
    * If you receive a legal serve or return and hit the ball more than once with your paddle or touch the ball with your body, a point is awarded to your opponent. Note that if your opponent's serve or return doesn't hit your side of the table, you still get the point even if the ball hits you or you catch it after it passes the end of the table.
    * If you touch the table with your free hand or move the table, your opponent scores a point.
6. Win the game.
Many people like to play to 21 or 15 (alternating server every 5 points), which is fine for recreational play. The official rules, however, state play is to 11 points (alternating server every 2 points). In order to win, one must be ahead by two points. If the players or teams are tied at 10-10 or 20-20, for example, the normal order of service proceeds, but the serve alternates sides after every points instead of after every two points.
7. Play again.
In sanctioned competition, matches are won by the player or team who wins two out of three games. The players switch sides after each game, and they also switch sides in the third game (if a third game is necessary) when one player or team scores five points. The team or player serving first also changes each game.
8. Practice consistently.
You can become a pretty good ping-pong player quickly with consistent practice. The most important things to practice initially are keeping your eye on the ball, getting a feel for the correct timing, and keeping the ball low.

    * From the very first time you pick up a paddle, you should consciously make an effort to follow the ball with your eyes, from the moment it is served to when it hits your paddle, and so on.
    * Your timing will become better with practice--you just need to get used to it--but it helps if you listen to the ball as well as watch it closely.
    * Keeping the ball low--without hitting it into the net--is probably the hardest skill for beginners to master. It's also one of the most essential, because a high ball can easily be smashed down by your opponent. Try to keep your paddle as horizontal as possible and use your wrist to impart energy to the ball and to aim it. Generally, the faster the ball is moving, the easier it is to keep it low.
9. Develop a strong backhand and forehand.
You must be able to hit the ball from either side of your body if you want to become good at table tennis, and it's generally not practical to switch hands, so get comfortable with both your forehand and backhand shots.
10. Learn to put spin on the ball.
This is done by flicking the wrist side-to-side or up-and-down right as the ball is hit. To counter-spin, put spin of your own on the ball. If you don't know how to put spin on something, politely ask an experienced player to show you how (it is easier to understand through experience rather than reading how.)
11. Smash balls that your opponent hits high.
Smashing (also called slamming or spiking) the ball entails hitting it with force so that it goes fast enough to, hopefully, be unreturnable. A slam is a powerful weapon, but it can be difficult at first to use it accurately, and you may find that your slams initially go into the net or well off the other side of the table. Don't be afraid to keep trying them, though. You'll eventually get it.
12. Develop a killer serve.
A fast serve or a serve with plenty of spin on it can become the key to your game as you face better players. If you give your opponent an easy serve, you'll be lucky to get a paddle on his return.
13. Outmaneuver your opponent.
As you face better competition you can't just expect your opponent to make mistakes, even if you're hitting the ball hard. You've got to force errors by taking control of the game and making your opponent move around the table a lot. If you can hit one shot off the right side and then quickly hit another shot to the left side you might be able to prevent your opponent from getting the ball.

2/23/2011 05:02:00 PM by Agus Riyanto · 0

Februari 20, 2011

Table Tennis Table

Table tennis is an interesting sport, which can improve your hand-eye coordination up to a great extent, which is short and extremely energetic. It improves the heart rate and the overall fitness of the body.

Table tennis requires a table to play and there are two types of tennis tables the outdoor table tennis (for great fun in summer months) and the indoor table tennis (to continue the fun in winter months too). Before shopping for tennis tables, you should choose from its different price ranges and brands.   Before making any purchase, it is necessary to go through all the reviews and make an informed decision before buying these tables. Now once you have decided with which brand of the tennis tables to opt for, the next big important thing is to consider the available space where you will keep the tables. This is an important decision because once you decide the place you can choose whether to go for a big or for small tables, which will suit your needs.

Another most important factor to consider is the storage of the table tennis tables and make sure that they are stored in a garage and that’s why it is important for you to check out whether adequate spaces are available or not to keep the table tennis tables. Playing table tennis on a perfect tennis tables is a unique matter fun & pleasure and it helps with the ability and physical restraints. However, if you are a beginner in the process, before buying the board, it is better to go for a lower end of the market, choose for the cheap one, so that you can practice in that table, and then shift to professional tennis tables. You can either choose a permanent table or a temporary one, which is a fold-up model and can be easily shifted.

2/20/2011 07:14:00 PM by Agus Riyanto · 0

Februari 23, 2010

How to Take Care of Table Tennis Equipment

Table tennis also known as ping-pong, is an incredible indoor game that which is enjoyed by different age groups of people worldwide. As table tennis equipments are expensive, buying such equipments usually is looked upon as an investment of a lifetime. This is why it is essential to take proper care of the equipments such as ping pong table, racket, net and other things. The proper care of your ping pong table equipments will also save you money in the long run.
Maintaining the equipment is very important for financial reasons and so that the standards of performance are retained for as long as possible. There are certain rules for maintaining table tennis equipment:

1.  Determine how much you will be playing in this indoor game before buying the table tennis equipments. Top-of-the-line equipments are a bit expensive but it makes a good investment because it lasts much longer. Taking care of such equipments are easy.

2. Un-glue the rubbers of the racketAs soon as a game is over so that it can "breathe".

3. Clean the rubber of your table tennis racket with water and a soft cotton cloth. Just use a drop of water in the center of the rubber and gently rub it in a circular motion with the piece of soft cotton cloth.

4. After every game use the cleaners and sponges available with the racket to get rid of the sweat and oil build-up on your racket.

5. Never leave the table outdoors.

6. Put the rackets in a protective plastic sheet when they are not in use they are available at any sports shops dealing with table tennis equipments. The protective plastic sheets will protect the racket from getting scratches.

5. Store the racket in a case while traveling. Buy a racket case which zips up and keep the racket safe from getting any sort of damage.

6. Check the seam on the ballfor hard spots as a small hard sport will affect the bounce.

7. Take good care of the table it is the most expensive table tennis equipment so take good care of it. Use a cover to protect your table tennis table when not using it. Never leave the table outdoors.

8. While moving the table from one place to another, cover the playing surface of your ping pong table tennis table with air-bubble nylon.

8. Never drag the net while taking it off or putting it on. Make sure that the clamps on the net do not dig into the table tennis table surface as it might effect the performance of play.

9. Keep all your table tennis equipments such as balls, rackets, net and etc in one bag so that nothing gets lost. Plus, by storing the equipments in this manner you can easily protect the equipments from moisture.

2/23/2010 03:59:00 PM by Agus Riyanto · 1